This Local Business is a Compassion Spot, you are Safe Here.

As an active part of this community, we care about you, your family and your overall physical & mental well being.

Without U & I there is no COMMUNITY. If you need help, please ask to speak with a manager upon entry or use the word "Purple" with any of our staff members.

If you are suffering from depression and have had thoughts of hurting yourself please click the button below or call "988"

If you or someone you know are the victim of domestic violence and feel you or your loved ones are in danger please click the button below or call (800)799-7233 or Text 88788

If you are having trouble feeding your family or are familiar with a family that can use food aid assistance please click the button below.

Have a Local Business That Can Help? Be a Part of our Community Outreach Program.

Ask Us How Today!

Participating Local Businesses: